Create words using the letters shown.
Every word earns points.
New puzzles generate at midnight.
You see 7 letters in front of you. Your task is to make as many words as possible from these letters. You don't have to use all the letters. The letter in the center must be in the word. Words must be at least 4 letters long. Letters in a word can be used more than once. You have 24 hours to come up with as many words as possible, every day the game is updated and new letters and words appear.
For each word you guess, you get points. For a 4 letter word you will get 1 point. Longer words will earn you 1 point for each letter used in it. There is also at least one Pangram in every game. Pangram is a word that contains all possible letters (maybe more than once). For the fact that you find such a word, you will receive an additional 7 points.
For each game (set of letters), the maximum possible number of words and points that you can get by guessing them all are known in advance. This is how the rating system works, which you can see at the top of the game.
You cannot use some words, such as words with hyphens, proper nouns, profanity, made-up words. For your convenience, there is a letter shuffling button - with its help you can swap letters in the fields in order to look at them from a new angle.